Every Student Succeeds Act » Every Student Succeeds Act

Every Student Succeeds Act

Every Student Succeeds Act: Parents right to know notification for Title I Schools
At the beginning of each school year, school districts receiving Title I funds are required to notify parents/legal guardians whose student(s) attend a Title I school that they may request, and receive in a timely manner, information regarding the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers, including at a minimum whether the student's teacher:
1. Has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
2. Is teaching under emergency or other provisional status permit (e.g, Provisional Intern Permit).
3. Is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
In addition, parents/legal guardians of students attending a Title I school can request the qualifications of Teacher Assistants (TA's) serving the student. More information regarding TA qualifications may be found at 
https://www.lausd.org/page/13604. Los Angeles Unified may employ any qualified person who possesses a temporary certificate to serve as a TA (EC Section 44926). All TA's must be enrolled as a student in a college or university.
If parents/legal guardians would like information regarding the Parent's right to know and specify whose professional qualifications they are interested in receiving.